3 reasons why Torrent users will remain in the time of Netflixes
Nowadays almost everyone can afford themselves to use streaming services to watch movies, TV shows, documentary or listen to music. Apple, Amazon, Netflix and other media companies (let’s call them giants) use the latest technologies, AI and other analytical techniques to deliver to us the most corresponding and reasonable media content. On the other side, they achieve to state when more and more torrent sites are closing. So why use torrents, when there’s a legal way to get wanted stuff? Here are three main disadvantages versus the above-mentioned points.
Availability of content
Of course the Amazon, Apple, Netflix have colossal amounts of digital content, but it’ll always be less than the whole archive of internet consumers. Also, our giants that use only legal content will miss some tender parts of the pie.
Quality of content
We are in 2020. There’s no limit to internet speed or data usage, so the quality of digital music and video is higher than ever. Our giants use advanced encoding standards capable of common hardware and retrieve quite good quality of content. But if you’re a real connoisseur of lossless music or HD/UHD movies, you’ll never be satisfied with these standards.
Let’s make one thing clear, when you buy something, it’s always hard to say “it is bad”, “I bought garbage”, “I wasted my money”. But when you have free choice from enormous items, you’ll always find what you really want.